Extract from  Zapped

Her nude body began to twist and writhe in its bonds, but her limbs were stretched so taut that she could barely make any movement. Panic overwhelmed her senses and she started to weep. Little moans and whimpers squeaked behind the gag as she sobbed hysterically. She knew that something very bad was about to be done to her. Not a medical examination, nor a health test, but something vile and sadistic.

Hot, rough hands crawled over her skin, exploring her slender curves and finding her secret feminine places. Again she screamed, and again the noise was stifled by the gag. The sinews in her arms and legs flexed as she fought desperately to avoid the lewd touching, but her efforts were futile. All she could do was endure the humiliation as the two middle-aged men squeezed her breasts and took turns to grope her vagina.

"She's a beautiful bitch," said Bob, after trailing his fingertips through her pubic hair. "It seems a damn shame to use her for the test."

"I know," Slade replied, shaking his head wistfully. "She doesn't deserve what's coming to her. Poor little slut! Still, I guess we ought to get started."

The engineer nodded, then moved the small table closer to the larger one. He checked the switches on the transformer before taking two of the long red wires and touching the ends together. A bright blue spark crackled as soon as the tiny crocodile-heads made contact.

"Careful, Bob!" the sergeant joked. "You'll blow up the whole jail!"

* * * * * * *.

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